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Expanding to year round yoga!

People have asked us many times if we offer yoga outside of goat yoga and now our answer is finally YES we will!

We have struggled over the last couple of years to find an indoor space that we can afford without having to charge our Bee Fit fam-bee-ly 🐝 an arm and a leg. Our goal as a business is to be accessible and supportive to our community. Wellness is something that all people deserve to have. I think back and it wasn't all that long ago that $20-30 per class or a monthly membership of over $100 to a studio/fitness space was not within our family's budget. Even though I knew I needed to do something the financial aspect brought on more stress. So, we try our hardest to keep our prices reasonable while still being able to pay our own bills.

Now the exciting part...We have partnered with All American Gymnastics and the Yakity Yak Coffee Shack to start offering indoor yoga all year long!

The coffee shop is a non-profit and run by people with intellectual & developmental differences.  They (and us) believe people of all abilities have the right to be respected and appreciated as valuable members of our community.  They are on a fundraising mission to build a sensory gym. So, the rent that we pay for using their space is all going to this fundraising effort!


We are starting out slow here... starting July 17th 5:30pm Nikki will be doing a once a week mommy and baby postnatal yoga class.  Nikki got her certification last summer but has not been able to use it for lack of an indoor yoga space. Now, she is very excited to share this experience with moms and babies anywhere from 6-8 weeks old (once your doctor has given you the ok to start working out again) to 1 year. You can register in the registration tab on our website

In September (once goat yoga is slowing down/done) we will add in 2 days a week with vinyasa/power vinyasa classes. We are thinking Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30pm classes. We hope that you come out for some wellness for yourself while boosting that wellness knowing that you are also supporting a good cause in the process!

As always thank you for your love and support! The light and love in us sees and honors the light and love in each one of you!

Clark and Nikki

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